Inter-Yachting Chorvatsko

Plješivička 1, 10040 Záhřeb, Chorvatsko
Telefon: +385 1 2993 352, +385 1 2989 484
Fax: +385 1 2993 347
Mobilní telefon: +385 98 822 151

Marina "Dalmacija", pier 10
Sukosan, Croatia
Phone: ++385 23 394 501
Fax: ++385 23 394 502
Mob: ++385 98 469 304

Based on the contact and e-mail address you have left, we will contact you for the purpose of submitting a boat rental quote, and we will not retain your contact, process, or send to third parties.

Inter-Yachting d.o.o. - limited liability company for yacht charter, trade and travel agency
Plješivička 1, 10040 Zagreb, Hrvatska

Details about the Company:
The entity is registered at the Commercial Court in Zagreb under MBS: 080404556
Share capital: HRK 20,000.00, paid in full
The management: Miro Crnkovic, B. Sc. ing.
VAT: 00112633613

VAT ID: HR00112633613

Commercial bank:
Business account is opened at  Zagrebačka banka d.d.

IBAN: HR8823600001101300605